10 Tips For Staying Fit without Working Out

Staying healthy and fit can feel like a chore when your days are packed with work, house chores, and running the kids to and from their activities. Spending an hour […]

Staying healthy and fit can feel like a chore when your days are packed with work, house chores, and running the kids to and from their activities. Spending an hour working out at the gym is just one more to-do that you have to check off your daily list.

Put down that pencil and paper and pay close attention. There are a number of small changes you can make that can help you stay fit without churning out miles on the treadmill. Recent studies show that time spent on incidental physical activities like walking up stairs improves an individual’s fitness level. By increasing these behaviors, people can enjoy health benefits identical to those attributed to participating in organized workouts.

Try integrating some of these small activities into your daily routine. You may find that you can drop that gym membership altogether!

1. Ditch the elevator

take stairs to shape up

Whenever you can, take the stairs. The more the better. Walking up and down stairs gives you a cardiovascular workout and builds up those leg muscles.

2. Park in the back

Don’t spend extra time finding a good parking spot close to the grocery store. Park as far away as you can and get those extra steps in. You’d be surprised how much distance you can put in in a day making this change. You even get some weight-bearing work in when you have to walk extra far with your arms full of all that stuff you bought.

3. Do the dishes

After a meal, nothing helps digestion like a little bit of work. Cleaning the kitchen is a physical activity that isn’t so intense that it disturbs digestion, and the pay off is big leaving you with a nice, neat home at night.

4. Get some playtime in

play at the park instead of working out

A family who plays together stays together. For a workout that doesn’t feel like work, take the soccer ball to the nearest park and kick it around for a while. Or grab your rackets and hit some balls at the tennis court while enjoying a weekend picnic.

5. Two wheels are better than four

If there are errands you can run on your bike, do it! You don’t have to get a road bike and commute all of the ways across town. A simple coaster with a basket will do if you’re making your way to grab something small nearby or are just heading out for a coffee. Biking is a great cardio workout and the perfect way to get a dose of some vitamin D on a sunny day.

6. Set a reminder

Set a reminder on your smartphone or computer to get up every 45 minutes and move. You can walk around the office, do squats next to your desk, lay down and get 10 sit-ups in. By the end of the workday, you’ll have gotten over an hour-long workout in.

7. Create a natural reminder

drink water to stay fit

Drink more water. Not only is it good for you, it will create the natural need to get up and take a stroll to the restroom more, killing two birds with one stone.

8. Work it out

Chores may not be fun, but they sure do get the blood pumping. Make a chore chart for each day and conquer one task at a time. If you spread them out, each one only takes a couple of minutes and you end the day feeling accomplished and healthier.

9. Be a good pet owner

walk dog to stay fit

Take your dog (or cat- hey it’s the Pacific Northwest) on a walk daily. A ten-minute jaunt will make all of the difference for both of you.

10. Turn on the TV

Television time gives you the perfect opportunity to hit the floor and get an end-of-day stretch session in. Flexibility is important for long-term health. Get a yoga mat and spend an hour loosening up those tired muscles. You may find you sleep better too!

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Acceptance of my entry in these events is without responsibility of any kind by the USTA/Pacific Northwest Section (USTA/PNW) and any other entity sponsoring the event. I do hereby for and on behalf of myself and my heirs and legal representatives RELEASE and forever discharge the USTA/PNW, its officers and representatives, from any and all claims, demands, and injuries, howsoever arising, whether caused by the negligent or intentional acts of the USTA/PNW and its representatives, representatives of other sponsoring entities, or by third parties, which injuries may be in any way related to my activities during the tournament and any period traveling to or from the events described, and all such claims are hereby WAIVED AND RELEASED, and I covenant not to sue therefore. The parent or guardian by signing below, does hereby agree to INDEMNIFY and hold harmless the USTA/PNW Section and its representatives and the sponsoring entity from any liability which they may incur to the entrant, howsoever arising and whether caused by the negligent or intentional acts of the USTA/PNW, its representatives, or the sponsoring body. I also give USTA/PNW permission to create a USTA account for myself and everyone in my party who is participating in the event.

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I agree to be filmed and photographed by The United States Tennis Association (“USTA”) in connection with such participation and that the USTA will own any and all rights in such film and photography of me (hereinafter referred to as “Footage”). This will permit the USTA to proceed with taking such Footage and I now waive, as to the USTA and its successors, assigns and licensees, all personal right and objections to any use to be made of me, my name, likeness, voice or personality in connection with the use of the Footage in any media for any and all purposes, including trade, advertising and promotional purposes, in perpetuity and without further compensation. I understand that in proceeding with filming and photography of the Footage, the USTA will do so in full reliance on the foregoing permission.

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By checking the box below you agree that you can currently answer no to the following questions: 1. In the last 14 days, have you experienced COVID-19 symptoms? Symptoms include: cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, or at least two of these symptoms: (a) fever of 100.4 or over; (b) chills: (c) repeated shaking with chills; (d) muscle pain; (e) headaches; (f) sore throat; and (g) new loss of taste or smell? 2. In the last 14 days, have you tested positive for COVID-19? If you’ve tested positive, but subsequently tested negative for COVID-19 twice in a row, 24 hours apart, have been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication, and other symptoms have resolved, then you can answer “no” 3. Have you been exposed to any individual who has symptoms of or has tested positive for COVID-19 and/or traveled to any known hot-spots for COVID-19? Exposure means a household member, intimate partner, or other individuals in prolonged close contact (within 6 feet for more than 10 consecutive minutes).

Additional Waiver of Claims

Players, participants, and any spectators or individuals that are participating in USTA and USTA PNW tournaments, programs, activities or events, acknowledge the risks associated with tennis, accept those risks voluntarily, and in consideration of their acceptance in the USTA and USTA PNW tournaments, programs, activities or events, assume all loss or damage, and any claim or demand therefore on account of injury and/or exposure to infectious syndromes or diseases to the person or property or resulting in illness and/or death arising out of or related to their participation, whether caused by negligence or otherwise. By participating or attending a tournament, program, activity or event, the players, participants, and any spectators assume all risks whether known or unknown. Furthermore, players, participants, and spectators agree to hold harmless the USTA, USTA PNW, and the host facility, their officials, (Released Parties) and the Released Parties employees and agents with respect to any injury or loss caused by negligence or otherwise to the fullest extent permitted by law.

I have read and understand the foregoing releases and indemnity agreement I am aware that this is a release of liability and a contract and I sign it of my own free will.